Town Talk


Town Talk: Fairy Godmother Project

Karen Webb is the new Executive Director for the Fairy Godmother Project. She and outgoing Executive Director Andie Ayers talk about their mission, impacting the community and the future.


Town Talk: Germanna Community College

Bruce Davis, the Germanna Foundation Executive Director and the Special Assistant to the President for Institutional Advancement talks about Germanna Community College’s expansion to North Stafford. It means big things in the areas of cyber security and


Town Talk: Fredericksburg Salvation Army

Captain Nathan Bridges talks about he and his family’s background in the Salvation Army.  We talk about bell ringing and and Angel Tree.   (Since we talked, it appears space for Toyland has been found!)


Town Talk: Rock Out, Knock Out Homelessness

Spotsylvania Schools Social Workers Lisa Dolan and Michelle Patton-Swisher talk about the weekend event to collect items for Treasure House–that helps needy students and families.  Rock Out, Knock Out Homelessness is Friday 1-4, Saturday 8-8 at the


Town Talk: Germanna Works

Becky Morris and Heather Dorito talk about getting career ready.


Town Talk: Dave the Computer Guy/Techs in the Burg

Dave the Computer Guy talks about the scary side of computers and technology–and how to stay safe.


Town Talk: Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Joy O’Toole and Sarah Smethurst preview the Rappahannock Writers’ Conference on November 5th at Germanna Community College.  


Town Talk: Spotsylvania Schools/Mark Taylor

Incoming Spotsylvania School Superintendent Mark Taylor talks leading a school division post-COVID.  He talks learning culture, improving test scores and the possible need for new schools.


Town Talk: Fredericksburg Regional Continuum of Care

Samantha Shoukas with an update on funding for area agencies, the hotline and getting ready for another count in January.


Town Talk: Widewater State Park

Chief Ranger Jamie Leeuwrik talks about the water (Aquia Creek Potomac River) and trail opportunities at Widewater State Park in Stafford.   We talk about the state park system in Virginia and why Widewater should be one of